News & Events


A recruitment rally for enrolment into Army will be organised by Army Recruiting Office, Trivandrum with effect from April 18 - 27, 2018 at Kolachal Stadium, Pangode Military Station Trivandrum for unmarried male candidates from Districts of Trivandrum, Kollam, Ernakulam, Kottayam, Idukki, Alappuzha and Pathanamthitta for Solidier General Duty, Soldier (Clerk/Store Keeper), Soldier Technical (Arty and Army Air Difence), and soldier Tradesmen.


All candidates will register for the Recruitment Rally Online at Online application will remain open from 19 Feb 2018 to 05 Apr 2018.Only candidates who have register ‘online’ will be allowed to participate in the Rally. All candidates will report at Rally site on the date and time as mentioned on the Admit Card. Admit Card can be downloaded after 11 Apr 2018.

All candidates who have registered on-line will receive the Admit Cards on their E-mail ID with effect from 11 Apr 2018 onwards. Candidates should print the Admit Cards and paste latest Passport size photograph and then report at the Rally site as per the date and time mentioned on the Admit Card.


Venue of the rally is Kolachal Stadium, Pangode Military Station Trivandrum.

Our Training

Our classes have been divided into (a) Daily Batches – From Monday to Saturday (b) Weekend Batches - Second Saturdays, Sunday and all public holidays. Every day classes are classified into two secessions - Physical and Academics. Students are equipped with hostel facilities in case of necessary.